Association News, Australia, CICA, Industry News

The Significance of Relevant and Current Wet/Dry Hire Agreements in the Crane Industry

CICA‘s latest ‘business essentials’ feature details the significance of relevant and current wet/dry hire agreements in the crane industry with Level Playing Field Lawyers‘ Ping Gangur.

CICA understands the challenges faced by small/medium business owners, which is why Paul and Justina CICA’s Membership Engagement Team have curated a series of interactive and comprehensive workshops to cover a range of vital topics, empowering small/medium businesses to navigate the dynamic business landscape with confidence.

These workshops will delve into various aspects critical to small/medium business growth, such as business strategies, financial management, customer relationship management, and effective leadership. Each workshop is designed to be highly engaging and incorporate group discussions, case studies, and real-life scenarios.

On 11 July 2023, CICA hosted its first ‘CICA Business Essentials’ (CBE) event at the Quest in Preston, Victoria – this was also live-streamed, so that members could gain from the content. Ping Gangur from Level Playing Field Lawyers delivered a presentation on the importance of relevant and current wet/dry hire agreements. Ping highlighted that the risk and responsibility for cranes and equipment come down to the specific terms of the contract, so it is important to review these contracts carefully.

Ambiguity and misunderstandings can lead to disputes that can be both costly and time-consuming. A comprehensive wet/dry hire agreement serves as a roadmap, clearly defining the terms and conditions of the contract, such as payment terms, duration of hire, equipment specifications, and termination clauses. Clarity on these aspects fosters trust and prevents potential conflicts.

A well-drafted agreement can protect all parties from financial risks. For crane owners, it ensures that they receive timely and fair compensation for their equipment and services. On the other hand, clients can rest assured that they will not be held liable for unforeseen damages or accidents if the crane and personnel are hired under the right terms and conditions.

Mutually beneficial relationships are the cornerstone of success in any industry. By having relevant and current wet/dry hire agreements, all parties demonstrate their commitment to professionalism and accountability. This fosters trust and strengthens business relationships, encouraging repeat collaborations and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

CICA has developed wet and dry hire documents with a contract lawyer, and these have been customised for each State. CICA is currently working on a cross-hire agreement. CICA members can access these through the CICA Member Portal.  If you have any queries, reach out to Paul Arztenhofer ( 


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