Events, Rigging

The Crosby Group GLAD to Win LEEA Award

The Crosby Group was given the Best Contribution to Global Lifting Awareness Day (GLAD) Award by the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) in Aberdeen recently.

Lisa Ehrborg, Manager of global communication and Marketing EMEA at The Crosby Group, spoke about the importance of the awards.

 “Our core values—safety, reliability, and innovation—go very much together with GLAD, a day where we increase the knowledge of the lifting industry, to make it safer and better together. I’m extremely proud of the team spirit we have within the company—no win is a one-person show, and neither was this. We worked closely together in the marketing team to turn ideas into concepts and eventually a full GLAD campaign. We were especially proud of the many videos we created for the day. With a global footprint we had an advantageous position as we designed content for local audiences as GLAD swept across the globe from New Zealand to Europe and to the US,” Ehrborg said.

Contributions and messages were made by companies and individuals with an interest in lifting around the world, including LEEA and its other members. The association’s packed schedule of new program launches, and informative presentations, ran throughout GLAD. Members that had done the most to raise standards had the opportunity to enter the award, which was one of several distinct categories. All winners were announced during a ceremony at the P&J Live arena on October 5, 2022.

The awareness day was once again flavoured with content about promotion of the industry to young people. 

“It is extremely important to promote our sector to the younger generation. They are the future of any workplace, and we want to show that the lifting segment is a dynamic, exciting, and innovative industry. Regardless of if you are a fresh graduate engineer, a smith, or a HR professional, we want to show that this industry has a place for everyone.”

The Best Contribution to GLAD followed The Crosby Group claiming the prestigious LEEA Best Innovation Award last year for its Crosby BlokCam crane camera systems.

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