The recently released is an online powerline safety planning tool, designed to save lives in the Queensland crane sector.
The Ergon and Energex networks have 1.7 million power poles and more than 225,000 kilometres of powerlines across the state. Unfortunately, many powerlines are accidentally contacted by crane and machinery operators every year, resulting in severe and sometimes fatal injuries.
One of the leading causes of accidents arises from a distinct lack of planning and powerline awareness. This lack of planning leads to a failure of machinery operators to identify risks and hazards associated with their jobs thereby sidestepping vital control measures to mitigate these risks.
The Ergon and Energex new Powerline Safety Planning tool at is really a lifesaving tool. Coupled with Look up and Live sessions, the online mapping tool which pinpoints the location of overhead powerlines is an essential part of ensuring worker safety around powerlines.
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The Community safety team fosters a positive and proactive association of powerline safety messages across many industries by building awareness of the dangers of accidental contact with powerlines – via programs of engaging, educating and enabling workers.
The Powerline Safety Planning tool helps machinery operators to adequately plan their jobs and to put effective controls in place such as requesting safety advice, de-energisations, relocations, augmenting lines, use of safety observers and/or rotamarkers (powerline markers) to highlight powerlines and to keep people clear of danger.
Simply visit to identify powerline locations and make a plan to stay safe when working near powerlines.
For more safety information and how to stay powerline aware visit the Ergon and Energex websites at: or