Events, Industry News, LEEA

LEEA to spotlight sustainability at upcoming LiftEx

Lifting Equipment Engineers Association’s (LEEA) regional manager for Australia and New Zealand Justin Boehm will be making a big announcement regarding sustainability at the upcoming LiftEx.

Set to take place from May 24 to the 25th, the conference will feature a range of guest speakers on topics such as advanced technologies, artificial intelligence, engaging the future workforce and more.

At the forefront of LEEA’s agenda, however, is sustainability in the construction industry as the conference explores what the lifting and construction industry will look like a decade from now.

“The ANZ Regional Council has been set up for over a year now and things are progressing incredibly well,” said Boehm. “We’re really homing in on where the industry is going to be in 10 years’ time, what kind of people will be working in this industry and what will the equipment look like.”

With day one set to feature a bunch of industry content and an optional tour of the HMAS Vampire, day two attendees will be privy to announcements exclusive to the event.

LEEA’s latest announcement on sustainability follows a video posted on Earth Day (April 22) featuring Boehm outlining several environmentally friendly initiatives by the association’s members.

For more information and to secure your place, go to

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