Australia, Cranes & Lifting, Events, LEEA

LEEA to make big announcement at LiftEx later this month

Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) are set to be making a series of announcements at LiftEx Australia.

The conference, designated to be held at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney on the 24th and 25th of May this year, focusses on the future of the construction industry and will include a major announcement regarding a long-time request of Association members.

“This is the first opportunity I’ve had to welcome the industry to a LEEA event for a long time and we’ve gone above and beyond to bring something out of the ordinary,” said Justin Boehm, Regional Manager of LEEA Australia & New Zealand.

The line-up of speakers will feature Charles Brass of Futures Foundation Australia – the keynote speaker –, mindset and behaviour expert Alison Earl on thriving with change in a post-COVID world, a talk on successful recruiting strategies by Talent Supply’s Federica Gargiuli, opportunism in business by Brett Cowell, and a speech on sustainability by Rosie Read.

“We are organising this event for our members”, said Boehm, “to ensure you leave motivated, with more knowledge, and are excited by what we are achieving for the Lifting Industry.”

LEEA, operating for over 75 years, are a leading representative body for those holding a vested interest in the lifting industry worldwide.

For more information and to secure your place, go to

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