FARO, global source for 3D measurement and imaging solutions for construction building information modelling (BIM), have announced the release of SCENE 2018 – a tightly integrated software platform specifically designed for the FARO Focus Laser Scanner product family.
This introduction represents a substantial leap forward for 3D reality data capture and the FARO-driven concept known as Traceable Construction, in which optimising the entire architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) lifecycle is accounted for in the solution’s strategy, development and execution.
The new FARO Laser-HDR feature in SCENE 2018 improves on conventional multi-exposure HDR techniques by intelligently combining a laser scan image and a photograph through a proprietary FARO process. This results in a laser enhanced HDR image in breathtaking colour and detail in even the most challenging environments.
This advanced feature is fully backwards compatible and thus allows all generations of FARO Focus Laser Scanner products to achieve exceptional HDR results in a considerably shorter amount of time.
Finally, even as recording time (5x faster than traditional HDR) and data volume are dramatically reduced (150mb per scan), all image details are captured in a single shot and the functionality can be used even if the laser scanner does not support HDR by default.
Defined areas, such as registration marks, can now be recaptured in higher resolution at a great distance from the same scanning position. FARO Focus S150 and S350 users now benefit from significant time savings on site, at least 1.5x faster than when it was required to perform high-resolution scans continuously.
Furthermore, since the registration workflow is now fully automated (no manual interaction needed to process high detail scan data on an onsite PC/workstation), in-field and in-office productivity is improved even more substantially.
SCENE 2018 enables a full camera resolution colour image to be exported, independent of scan resolution. In those situations, where high resolution colour is required but high-resolution scan is not, time savings of up to 80 per cent can be realised.
Scan quick views now open significantly faster and users can be ready to work with the data in half the time than before.
Scan projects can be exported up to 75 per cent faster to be shared more efficiently with project stakeholders via the FARO WebShare Cloud and SCENE 2go platforms.
SCENE 2018 builds on the VR base first introduced on SCENE 7.1 in 2017. First, it enables an even more natural, immersive experience with significantly fewer instances of motion sickness based on rigorous user testing. Next, it enables a more cost-effective VR use case as it now offers improved compatibility with mid-priced Microsoft Mixed Reality Headsets.
Together these improvements are expected to facilitate greater adoption of VR-enabled SCENE as a workflow efficiency tool across the AEC industry.
“The improvements in SCENE 2018 and derived benefits for FARO long-range scanners offer another significant contribution to enhancing quality and efficiency across the entire construction life cycle,” said Andreas Gerster, vice president – global construction BIM at FARO.
“This is the next step to realise our vision of Traceable Construction by better capturing and processing reality in 3D and then by sharing information through seamless, tightly integrated best-in-class solutions.”