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Call-out for next round of CICA Women’s Leadership Development Program

women's leadership

The Crane Industry Council of Australia is opening enrolments for its second Women’s Leadership Development Program.

The program is designed to create an Australia-wide support and mentorship network to help women further establish and develop their leadership style in the crane industry.

The first program, which began in July 2024, has proven transformative for the 19 participants, fostering essential leadership skills, confidence, and an invaluable network.

Through targeted training and mentorship, participants gained:

  • Confidence in decision-making:  Participants have shown a remarkable increase in confidence when facing complex challenges, using tools they’ve learned to make effective, impactful decisions.
  • Strengthened resilience: With a new supportive network of peers and mentors, participants are building resilience, enabling them to overcome obstacles with a renewed sense of purpose.
  • Enhanced self-awareness and emotional intelligence: Feedback reveals substantial growth in self-awareness and emotional intelligence – qualities that empower leaders to connect deeply and authentically with their teams.
  • Clearer career goals and vision: Many have clearer visions for their leadership paths, setting tangible goals that align with their strengths and aspirations.

This program is a unique chance to invest in your team, supporting their journey toward becoming formidable, powerhouse leaders who can make a lasting impact within your business and the crane industry.

 Enrol today via and be part of this transformative experience.


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