Events, News

Australian Wind farm Construction Conference

The Australian Wind Construction Conference is a key event on industry safety and meaningful community and workforce engagement.

Australian Wind Construction Conference is being held Online this Thursday May 19th 9am EST.

The conference is an industry initiative, aimed at assisting major projects under specialised lift planning in the planning and implementation of safety, training, and community engagement and is the culmination of many of the workshops undertaken in the Australian Wind Construction Forum (formerly the Yaamagarra Forum).

The upcoming conference is an Australian story, facilitated by industry leaders, that walks through the globally influenced industry issues that lead to conversations around benchmarked and tried solutions.

It is important that we have professionals like yourself and your team as part of the conversation, so please find access codes that allow you to choose your own price point in relation to your situation in context to funding the world first pilot program the conference is supporting.

To secure your tickets, register here;



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